What if you could literally manifest your heart’s desire in 4 easy steps?

Without doubt, complications, or lots of money?

Bloom where you are planted creation manifestation course

Is a four part training where you will be given a simple, proven, magical formula to create, nurture and sustain the life you really want and deserve. A formula that can be used over and over again.

There are three main challenges that keep heart centered happy go lucky spiritual seekers from creating the life they desire.

Challenge #1:

You have no idea what you truly want. You can think about the eighteen trillion million things you don’t want based on past mistakes, or lessons but you have not really “landed” on what it is that you do want to create or do in a way that feels rewarding, fulfilling and worth your time to pursue.

Challenge #2

You actually totally know what it is that you want but don’t have the foggiest idea of what is needed to bring it into your life. You get excited when you think about a life that you have always dreamed of but that excitement fades over time and makes you feel frustrated, depressed and even defeated after while.

Challenge #3

You really want to believe in the law of attraction and dreams coming true,  but you have tried so many manifestation techniques before without any results and your beginning to think its just plain mumbo jumbo or pie in the sky thinking. The fake it till you make it just no longer works, and questions like am I good enough, what if I fail and why me keep you up at night making you second guess the entire dream to begin with.

I get it I mean there are countless reasons why you don’t go after what you want. And you can only spend so much time wishing and wanting something without the results you want before you just throw in the towel.

 I have heard these and so many other objections over the years. I meet so many gifted, talented, and spiritually awakened healers, coaches, and light workers who have big hearts, big dreams and so much to offer to the world. But they have a very hard time…..

1. Believing in themselves

2.  Being ready to be seen

3. Feeling they are good enough

And because of this they never achieve their true heart’s desires, or worse yet don’t even take the first step to discover what that is. This makes my heart sad because I have been there and know that feeling so well.

My name is Renée Guidelli and I work with Heart Centered Spiritual Seekers that are ready to transform their old programming of limitation and unworthiness into happiness, inner peace and purpose in all that they do so that they can truly create the life they deserve.

I have created a four step magical formula that unleashes the pure potential within you. And I have used this same formula to manifest not just one dream, not even two dreams, but three life long dreams.

I have found the absolute love of my life and we have been happily together for 20 years.

We moved into an 1869 Gothic Revival Church where we live in one half and the other half we host various types of gatherings and events.

I run a successful coaching/healing heart centered business locally as well as online which makes my heart happy and soul sing every day knowing that I am helping so many people become the highest version of themselves.

None of this would have ever come to pass if I was not willing to look at what was getting in the way of my own happiness. I knew that I had to understand and figure out how I could align myself with what I truly wanted deep down within my heart and soul in a way that was going to create a positive impact not just me but for the greater good

Now I have to say this indeed took quite a few years to figure out and come to fruition.And while I don’t regret one single solitary bit of it I DO want YOU to experience and reap the rewards of manifesting your desires much quicker than me without the heartache and tough love that I went through for so many years.

Whether you want to

  • Travel to see family or just travel for the sake of getting away

  • Find your life partner and/or live your Happily Ever After with the one you have

  • Be a part of a movement that cures world hunger or establish world peace

  • Manifest a large dream home or a tiny house in the hills

  • Retire and live out the rest of your days doing what you love

  • Or want to find some inner peace and happiness.

All you need is $55 and a dream (REALLY) and your willingness to do a little gardening.

BLOOMING WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED is not complicated but it does takes work.

You will get the same exact simplified formula that I have used myself and with countless other students and clients:

Here’s a sneak Peak of what’s inside this course?

Step 1: Before you can really start your garden, you have to identify what kind of garden you want to grow.What’s the plan?

Step 2: What do you need to do to the soil in order to prepare it for planting? What do you need to let go of to let in what you really want?

Step 3: Now that you have prepared your soil, its time to plant your seeds. The seeds that will lead you to what you really really want to do, be, and have.

Step 4: What does it take to maintain this garden? How do you nurture it? In order to keep your dreams, desires and wishes alive and thriving?

Purchase just the workshop and study at your own pace for only $55


Purchase the workshop with 4 private zoom coaching sessions for $260

*or if you are local to the Finger Lakes area we can do your sessions in person at The Heart Center

Workshop #1: Cultivating your soil:Getting your ground ready to plant your seed (Valued at $55)

→Workshop #2:Pulling your weeds. What do you need to let go of to let in what you really want? (Valued at $50)

→Workshop #3 Planting your seeds. What do you really really want to do, be, or have (Valued at $42)

→Workshop #4: Nurturing your seeds to become happy, healthy flourishing flowers (Valued at $52)

→Bonus: Seeding the Dream Creative Visualization Acceleration (Valued at $38)

→Bonus: Discover the hidden purpose of your name (Valued at $60)

→Bonus:Daily Mindset Meditation/Affirmation (valued at $37)

→Bonus:How does my garden grow blue print and grid (Valued at $54)

Total value for the workshop over $350


    Total value for workshop & coaching over $550


What I teach really does work, but don’t just take my word for it? Listen to what other have to say:

“Renee helped me understand myself and what I need to do to make my dreams come true and the tools to work on this. Thank You”-Elaine,

What I liked most is Renee’s inspirational skill in making people believe in themselves to make positive changes”-Pat

“Through working with Renee, I have gained confidence in my abilities to grow in many different areas. I have been able to explore so many areas of personal empowerment and have expanded my spirituality.  Renee,is able to explain difficult concepts in a way that is easy to understand and allow me to to develop my personal sense of empowerment”.-Julye

“Thank you for helping me love and accept myself more than I ever have AND to know that I am a powerful person who loves to work with energy”. D.M


What if I decide this course really isn’t for me?

This is certainly a fair question and one that requires a fair answer. If by the end of the course you are not pleased or feel like you did not learn anything new, I will happily refund your money back for the cost of the workshop.

What if I don’t have any idea of what it is that I want to manifest?

The beauty of this particular course is that whether you know what it is that you want or don’t, what you will be learning is the principles and magic formula on how to manifest so even if you don’t have anything that you can think of right now, the same process can be used over and over again. However there will be ample time for you to get clear on what it is that you truly want to bring forth into your life.

How much time do I need to commit to this?

This is a great question, The lessons themself can take anywhere between 45-60 minutes to complete daily between the video and worksheet questions.  It really depends on how much time you are willing to commit to the work. In addition there is always “field work” that allows you to go deeper and see results quicker. Plus if you decide to tack on the private coaching component that is another 45-60 minutes.

When do I get access to the program and resources

You will receive an email immediately upon purchase, giving you the pass code to the page with all your videos and training materials. Once you have that, you can start right away. If you opt in for the private coaching sessions we can schedule that within the first three days.

What if I need a little more help or support?

Love this question the most, the videos and worksheets that go along with each workshop have been created for you to do your own work at your own pace if you choose, however we also recognize that some of you might really want to go deeper and because of that I have given you the option to pay for 4 private coaching sessions whenever you feel you might need some extra support or guidance.

So what do you say? Are you in?