I love doing psychic business readings for people. I can use my psychic abilities as a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient to tune into your business to answer whatever burning questions you have
Questions like:

What price do I put on my program?

How many clients should I work with at a given time?

Where do I go to get the most students or clients interested in my offerings?

How often should I be doing zoom calls?

Where is my ideal market and client base coming from?

How do I attract the right people to my program?

When is the best time for me to launch my latest offering?.

I can answer pretty much any question you have about your business (online as well as brick and mortar) Remember you’re not just a service provider, your a dream weaver, magic maker, and Wholistic healer on many levels.

If you catch yourself thinking,

Yes I know I can change the life of so many around me but why is no one buying from me?

Why am I not attracting the right people into my programs?

Why do I feel like I am spinning my wheels and getting no where within my business?

If you are a Heart Centered Entrepreneur that runs a soulful business or is just getting your business up off the ground then I can tell you where to put your time, energy and focus in order to create a larger more positive impact in the world.

A Psychic Soul Business Reading will leave you

⭐️ Feeling empowered to take action on those internal nudges that you have been wishy washy about or questioning.

⭐️ Having the confidence to do what you know to be true for yourself, your business and what you have come here to do at this crucial time in the world.

⭐️ Having direction on where to focus your time and energy to create maximum impact in your soul business. No more wasting time and energy on projects, classes and events that do not serve you.

⭐️ Remembering that you’re not alone, that you are being divinely supported and guided not just by the universe, but by your own soul’s knowing based on your contract and energetic blue print that is aligned with and for YOUR highest and best interest along with your heart centered business.

If you are ready to get to the heart of the matter so you can get moving and do what you truly came here to do and really create a win-win-win all around then I invite you to purchase a psychic soul business reading from me here. The world needs you right now more than ever. So let’s light up the world together.

Grab your Psychic Biz reading now for $90

What others have said:

“Once in a while, I get stuck, and the clarity isn’t coming, and it’s at those times when Renee comes to the rescue with her incredible reading abilities.

Just a couple of days ago, I met with Renee because I was confused with too many options in my coaching business, and as much as I was trying to use my intuition to guide me, I was too close to my challenges to be able to get clear answers.

Renee gave me so much direction and clarity by explaining why things were happening and what options might be best for my specific situation.

Now I can move on, continue my work serving others, and stop wasting my time feeling stuck and frustrated.

Thank you, Renee!! You are truly appreciated!”

The Psychic Biz session with you was wonderful. I’m still processing so much of it. Had some confirmations today about some of what you said, and I expect more. I can’t tell you how calm I felt afterward – so much made sense & really resonated. ♥ Thank you again!

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